common insurance terms
October 19, 2023

Common Insurance Terms You Should Know: Overseas Health Cover

Insurance can be confusing. There are many terms and phrases that might seem complicated. Here’s a simple explanation of some important insurance terms:

Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance

What it is: This is required insurance for car owners. It covers costs if your car injures or kills someone.

Why it’s important: It’s legally required, and it helps cover costs if your car is involved in an accident that injures or kills someone.

Premium Loading

What it is: This means your insurance cost might be higher because there’s a higher risk involved in insuring you. This could be because of age or health.

Why it’s important: It helps explain why your insurance might cost more.

Private Health Insurance Rebate

What it is: A way the government helps make private health insurance cost less for some people.

Why it’s important: It can help you pay less for private health insurance.

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)

What it is: a group that makes sure banks and insurance companies are doing their job right.

Why it’s important: It helps make sure your insurance company is reliable.

These terms are good to know when dealing with insurance. They can help you understand what you’re buying and why it costs what it does. Get more information at GetMyPolicy.Online.

Compare OVHC and OSHC:

GetMyPolicy simplifies the process of choosing the right insurance policy, especially when it comes to Overseas Visitors Health Cover (OVHC) and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). OVHC is designed for temporary residents, ensuring they have access to necessary health services while in Australia, whereas OSHC is specifically tailored for international students, providing them with essential health cover during their studies. GetMyPolicy acts as a comprehensive platform where you can effortlessly compare various OVHC and OSHC policies, allowing you to select a policy that best suits your needs and budget, ensuring that your stay in Australia is covered with the right insurance.

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